Company Spotlights / Market Commentary

Did You Know the US Gov Confiscated Gold in 1933?

  • Declan O’Flaherty Bio Image

    Declan holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta and has over 4 years of experience investing in financial markets. As a fundamental investor, Declan embraces the investment principles of Warren Buffett and his disciples. This puts a focus on finding businesses with healthy financials, competent and accountable leader, enduring competitive advantages, and those that are selling at discount to what they are worth.

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The confiscation of gold and subsequent devaluation of the US dollar in 1933 marked a pivotal moment in the history of the global monetary system.

With President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order requiring US citizens to exchange their gold for paper currency, he effectively devalued the dollar and increased the price of gold significantly.

After that, the establishment of the Bretton Woods system in 1944 aimed to provide stability and confidence in the monetary system by pegging the US dollar back to gold at a fixed rate, and other currencies to the dollar.

However, the decision to abandon the gold standard in 1971 marked a turning point in the world economy, leading to increased volatility and uncertainty in global currencies.

These events cemented gold’s status as a hedge against economic uncertainty, inflation, and government intervention, leading to sustained demand for the precious metal as a safe-haven asset.

This sentiment has persisted throughout the decades, with investors turning to gold as a means of preserving wealth and diversifying portfolios.

Now the important question – where do you find it?

The answer is Nevada, where strong gold prices have revitalized the gold rush.

This region is the top-ranked mining and exploration jurisdiction in the world and for good reason.

Mining laws and permitting are favorable, while gold is abundant if you know where to look.

As such, there is no better place to make discoveries and capitalize on Earth’s most valuable metal.

But unlike the money-hungry prospectors of the mid-19th century, who immigrated from far and wide to get a taste of that sweet Nevada gold, there is a much more practical solution for you mining and exploration savants.

Today, all it takes is a little dough and the click of a button to build your stake in one of the most effective wealth-creating minerals ever.

But rather than investing in gold alone, why not invest in a business that has the capital, expertise, and assets needed to deliver superb results over many decades?

In this article, we’ll explore one such stock that is unlike any other gold exploration company you’ve seen before.

With inflation high, fragility in the banking system, and geopolitical conflicts on the rise, there is no better way to take advantage of one of civilization’s most reliable storeholds of wealth.

What is CopAur Minerals?

CopAur Minerals Logo

At its core, CopAur Minerals (Canada: CPAU.V) (USA: COPAF) is a mineral exploration company focused on discovering and developing gold deposits in some of the most promising regions around the world.

CopAur currently owns multiple gold projects in Nevada and British Columbia, including its flagship Kinsley Mountain Gold Project which has a resource of more than 500,000 ounces of gold on the property.

While Kinsley Mountain and its other projects are certainly impressive, what truly differentiates CopAur is its dynamic and experienced management team.

CopAur, like the other companies under the Metals Group umbrella of companies, benefits from sharing their world-class technical teams and seasoned capital markets experts.

This unique business model enables them to acquire and explore high-quality projects more efficiently, while also making it difficult for competitors to replicate.

As such, they have built a track record of advancing projects rapidly and generating shareholder wealth, with companies like Benchmark Metals (BNCH.V) and Thesis Gold (TAU.V), increasing from $6 million market capitalizations to over $100 million valuations over several years.

In all, the CopAur team has successfully raised hundreds of millions of dollars in the resource and mining sector, demonstrating capital markets prowess and effective use of capital through many successful exploration programs.

As an investor, you’d be hard-pressed to find another business like it, at this market cap.

The CopAur Team

Jeremy Yaseniuk, Frank Lagiglia, and Rebecca Kerswell | Twitter: @MetalsBenchmark
Jeremy Yaseniuk, Frank Lagiglia, and Rebecca Kerswell | Twitter: @MetalsBenchmark

So far, we’ve hailed a lot of praise toward the CopAur team, but what exactly is it that makes them special?

Well, it really comes down to their executive team and ability to retain the technical experts who oversee the projects.

For one, CopAur’s CEO & Director, Jeremy Yaseniuk, is a master at building successful mining and exploration businesses.

He is the co-founder of the Metals Group, a conglomerate of resource companies, including CopAur Minerals, as well as a founder of Benchmark Metals, Thesis Gold, and Director of Altiplano Metals and Cortus Metals.

In all, Jeremy has raised more than $500 million in the resource and mining sector throughout his career.

But he is not alone.

Alongside Jeremy, is a deep leadership team with an unparalleled level of expertise.

This includes Jeremy’s partner John Williamson who is the co-founder of the Metals Group and oversees its world-class team of technical experts.

In addition, John is also the former founder of the Discovery Group, an international consulting firm, and is largely responsible for the meaningful discoveries at Great Bear Resources, Kaminak Gold Corp, and Brilliant Mining Corp.

And how can we not mention Chairman, Conrad Swanson, who has over 30 years of experience raising capital, managing, and advancing various projects in the public markets?

Most impressively, Conrad was a founding member of Western Canadian Coal, which ended up being acquired by Walters Energy in 2010 for $2.2 billion.

On top of that, Mr. Swanson also founded one of the first internet companies in Vancouver called Internet Direct, which sold to Bell; funded Richfield Ventures, whose Black Water gold deposit was sold for $550 million to New Gold in 2012; and founded Surge Copper, which raised more than $25 million for exploration.

While we could go on, we want to ensure that we cover all the exciting and important factors contributing to CopAur’s success.

That being said, it is important to note that Directors Jay Roberge, Gregory Stewart, and Malcolm Dorsey, as well as CopAur’s Strategic Advisors Jim Greig, Dr. Ewan Webster, Cal Everett, Mac Jackson, Alvin Jackson, Joe Giuffre, Kristopher Raffle, and Frank Lagiglia, all play a key role in the Company’s development.

Overall, this team, and its close associates, own more than 50% of CopAur, thus demonstrating not only a strong conviction in its mission but also a determination to make the Company a foundational player in the marketplace.

A Recipe for Success

Metals Group Logo

Beyond its management team, board of directors, and strategic advisors, CopAur operates under a unique corporate structure that allows it to retain its technical experts and integrate its model into new projects more effectively.

One of the biggest challenges facing mining and exploration companies is that once a project or company is acquired, the business’s technical experts (ie. geologists, mining engineers, etc.) often leave and work under the new owners.

To remedy this, CopAur’s CEO Jeremy Yaseniuk co-founded the mining conglomerate, Metals Group, which owns and operates multiple companies, including CopAur.

Under the Metals Group, CopAur’s technical experts oversee multiple projects across all of the conglomerate’s businesses.

In doing so, these employees provide unbiased feedback that enables Jeremy and the CopAur team to make optimal decisions regarding which company projects they should focus on and advance first.

This strong alignment with the conglomerate’s overall success is invaluable since it means that the organization as a whole succeeds over the long run without undermining the efforts of one company or another.

As a bonus, having this structure also allows for the Metals Group and CopAur to cut down on labor and R&D costs, since all of the technical experts operate within the same organization.

This enables them to leverage any software and intellectual property that Metals Group owns, thus making it easier to integrate and scale into new projects and companies.

For these reasons, CopAur Minerals and the Metals Group are in a highly competitive position that is difficult for other mining and exploration companies to replicate.

Their experience and expertise as a group allow them to find success time and again when exploring their high-grade projects, raising capital, and delivering value to shareholders.

CopAur’s Projects

CopAur Minerals currently owns and operates four high-grade projects within Nevada and British Columbia.

Here is a breakdown of its gold projects:

Kinsley Mountain Gold Project – Nevada

Kinsley Mountain Gold Project | CopAur
Kinsley Mountain Gold Project | CopAur

The Kinsley Mountain Gold Project is CopAur’s flagship property, located in the Eastern Great Basin of NE Nevada.

Its current mineral resources consist of 418 thousand indicated ounces of gold at 2.63 grams-per-tonne (g/t) gold, with an additional 117 thousand inferred ounces of gold at 1.51 g/t gold.

Kinsley has been subject to historical gold production as well with yields of more than 138 thousand ounces of gold between 1995-1999.

What makes Kinsley particularly promising is that nearly 80% of the property has yet to be explored by drilling but is rich in targets that share the same geochemical and geophysical anomalies that led to the discovery at the Western Flank Zone.

Through it, the Company has a realistic chance of significantly increasing both the size and grade of the gold deposit in Kinsley Mountain with its eagerly anticipated 2023 drill program that was announced this week.

When discussing the 2023 drill program, CEO Jeremy Yaseniuk stated, “The last drill program completed in 2020 yielded new surface oxide gold discoveries at Secret Spot and some of the highest-grade near-surface oxide gold ever intersected on the project at Main Pit North, located only 75 meters outside our current resource pit shell. These have never been followed up on until now. Through the execution of our planned 2023 drilling, we see a path forward to the expansion of near-surface oxide gold resources, the potential for new near-mine discoveries through the testing of IP geophysical anomalies, and continued demonstration of the quality of our high-grade gold Western Flank Zone gold resource via targeted infill drilling.”

This, on top of the $30 million in exploration already spent by previous operators, makes it a highly valuable property with significant resource expansion potential.

During historical drilling campaigns (2014 and 2020) the Kinsley Project produced multiple high-grade deposits, with the highlight results being:

Western Flank resource expansion drilling:

  • 10.22 g/t gold over 6.1 meters within a broader zone grading 2.63 g/t gold (sulphide) over 38.10 meters in KMR20-017;
  • 15.1 g/t gold (sulphide) over 7.6 meters, including 24.1 g/t gold (sulphide) over 4.6 meters lower zone, 9.08 g/t gold (sulphide) over 6.1 meters upper zone in KMR20-026.

Main Pit North oxide target yields high-grade intercepts 75 m outside the current pit shell:

  • 9.83 g/t gold over 7.6 meters of high-grade shallow oxide.

New surface oxide Discovery at the Secret Spot, including:

  • 1.77 g/t gold over 25.3 meters in new surface oxide discovery in KMD20-007B.

The Kinsley Mountain Project has also produced additional historical results of:

Kinsley Mountain Gold Project Historical Assay Results | CopAur
Kinsley Mountain Gold Project Historical Assay Results | CopAur

CopAur currently holds a 79.99% ownership interest in the Kinsley Mountain property.

Bolo – Nevada

Next up is CopAur’s 3,332-acre advanced-stage Bolo project which is home to high-grade gold mineralization.

During a 2022 RC and diamond core drilling campaign by the Company, CopAur discovered meaningful gold deposits in its BL22-04 hole with intercepts returning 1.5 g/t gold over 79 meters, including 3.0 g/t gold over 17 meters.

Moreover, previous drill results have uncovered deposits of:

  • 1.1 g/t gold over 94 meters and 2.5 g/t gold over 15 meters (BL22-05);
  • 1.37 g/t gold over 84 meters (BL19-01);
  • 1.2 g/t gold over 122 meters, including 2.1 g/t gold over 37 meters and 3.32 g/t gold over 12.2 meters (BL19-04);
  • 0.74 g/t gold over 61 meters (BL20-03);
  • 0.54 g/t gold over 98 meters (BL20-05)

To date, CopAur Minerals owns a 50.01% interest in the Bolo project, with the Company aiming to acquire an additional 24.99% from Allegiant.

To do so, they will incur an additional $4 million in exploration expenditures over the next two years.

Troy Canyon – Nevada

The last of CopAur’s Nevada assets is its 100%-owned Troy Canyon Project, which was strategically acquired near its Bolo project.

Troy Canyon is host to mesothermal gold mineralization, which typically persist to great depths, implying that there is potential to uncover significant concentrations of both gold and silver deposits in the area—only 180 meters of depth have been investigated thus far.

In previous underground stope rock samples, the project found assays of 576 g/t gold with 229 g/t silver, 50.4 g/t gold with 317 g/t silver, and 48.4 g/t gold.

While additional drill testing is required to expand the depth and strike length of mineralization, Troy Canyon offers promising economic potential with the discovery of new deposits.

Williams – British Columbia

Moving North of the border, CopAur’s final project is its 17,000-hectare 100%-owned Williams Project, located in the “Golden Horseshoe” mining region of north-central BC.

For the most part, the property remains underexplored, but after the completion of its 2022 drill program, the Company found a new gold zone that produced the best-grade deposits to date with mineralization of 2.2 g/t gold and 0.13% copper over 50 meters, including 4.2 g/t gold over 10.5 meters.

From the results, CopAur was able to infer that both the gold and copper mineralization were improving at depth, indicating that there is significant potential to expand the initial discovery.

As such, the Company plans to continue drilling in the future to determine whether the high-grade mineralization is sustainable or improves the deeper down they go.

When discussing the drill campaign CEO Jeremy Yaseniuk stated, “We are extremely excited with this new gold-copper discovery. Given that this new discovery has only been tested by a single drill hole and ended in some of the strongest mineralization, additional drill testing is warranted at depth and along strike to define this emerging mineralized zone.”

Why Gold?

30-Year Gold Price |
30-Year Gold Price |

Over the past 30 years, demand for gold is stronger than ever, and it makes sense why.

In this current economic climate, there is historically high inflation, an effort to remove the US dollar as the global reserve currency, a fragile banking system, and more.

Though these are reasonable arguments for why one should own gold or gold-producing stocks, you may be surprised to learn that there is more to gold than meets the eye.

Did you know that gold is used in a variety of products and applications, including electronics, like smartphone memory chips and circuit boards, dentistry products, like crowns and fillings, aerospace devices, like satellite systems and circuitry in spacecraft, and more?

As such, gold is way more valuable than simply being a storehold of wealth.

Plus, given its ability to conduct electricity, resist corrosion, and reflect visible and infrared light, there are a few minerals out there with such a useful physical composition.

So, the next time someone tells you that extracting gold isn’t an important metal, remind them that their smartphone, the James Webb telescope, and other cutting edge technology, wouldn’t be able to operate without it.

Final Word

As you can see, CopAur Minerals (Canada: CPAU.V)(USA: COPAF) is not your standard mineral exploration company.

With a top-notch leadership team, a one-of-a-kind corporate structure, and multiple high-grade projects, CopAur is built for success and is well underway to achieving just that.

Given that gold is trading near all-time highs and the Company has sufficient capital to continue to advance its projects, there is no business better positioned to benefit from the booming mining industry.

In the coming months, we look forward to seeing CopAur progress at its properties and strengthen its case as a top player in both the Nevada and British Columbia gold mining districts.

To learn more about CopAur Minerals (Canada: CPAU.V)(USA: COPAF), check out its investor presentation below.



We are not brokers, investment, or financial advisers; you should not rely on the information herein as investment advice. If you are seeking personalized investment advice, please contact a qualified and registered broker, investment adviser, or financial adviser. You should not make any investment decisions based on our communications. Our stock profiles are intended to highlight certain companies for YOUR further investigation; they are NOT recommendations. The securities issued by the companies we profile should be considered high risk and, if you do invest, you may lose your entire investment. Edge Investments and its owners currently hold shares in CopAur Minerals and have been compensated for content creation, amounting to twelve thousand dollars. Edge Investments and its owners reserve the right to buy and sell shares in CopAur Minerals without further notice, which may impact the share price. Please do your own research before investing, including reading the companies’ public filings, press releases, and risk disclosures. The company provided information in this profile, extracted from public filings, company websites, and other publicly available sources. We believe the sources and information are accurate and reliable but we cannot guarantee it. The commentary and opinions in this article are our own, so please do your own research

Copyright ©️ 2023 Edge Investments, All rights reserved.

  • Declan O’Flaherty Bio Image

    Declan holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta and has over 4 years of experience investing in financial markets. As a fundamental investor, Declan embraces the investment principles of Warren Buffett and his disciples. This puts a focus on finding businesses with healthy financials, competent and accountable leader, enduring competitive advantages, and those that are selling at discount to what they are worth.

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